While most of the color images have been scanned from 35mm positive transparencies, some of them were scanned from analog prints.The depth of some colors and the blackness of the shadows
varies between those two, with the deeper tones in some cases a little lighter in the images that were scanned from the transparencies. All of the black-and white images were scanned from analog
For the transparencies, I used a Prime Film 7200 35mm slide scanner; it has performed well enough but has tended to give a color cast to some of the images, affecting different
colors and densities within those photographs in different ways. I have worked -- and am yet working, it would be fair to say -- on better balancing the color in these various galleries'
images. If you happen to end up 'seeing red' or 'feeling a little green' as you scroll through the photos, for that I apologize.
Some Published Work
A Small Archive of Articles in Both English and Japanese
HERE YOU CAN SEE how the 'finished product' looked. I will be scanning quite a few more examples in the near future, so please do take a look here from time
to time.
Opening 2-page spread from an article in the Japanese magazine SINRA.
This spread and the one below are from an article in the English-language magazine J@PANINC exploring Japan's defense capabilities.
A 2-page opening spread from a SINRA article on the Everglades.
These three spreads are from a J@PANINC article examining the presence of US forces in Okinawa.
These black-and-white gravure pages are from a BUNGEI SHUNJU special on Japan-US bilateral military exercise Keen Sword.
BUNGEI SHUNJU article; a rare shot of a bilateral air-sea rescue scenario.
Above and below are 2-page spreads from the book FIFTH.